12. February 2025
Florilegium Ornamentum – The Columbine earrings
In Tage Andersen’s fabulous flower universe, you can find even more fabulous jewelry these days. 41 jewelers are exhibiting earrings inspired by flowers – and believe me, it’s an exhibition you don’t want to miss! When I was asked which flower I wanted to interpret as an earring, the answer was obvious: Columbine! My favorite style is art nouveau because of its curls and you can find just such a curl on this flower, which has beautiful, curly “horns” on the back. But the bud in particular is really cute to me. As a self-proclaimed geek, I can’t help but…11. November 2022
When fiction becomes reality
Have you ever dreamt of something from a book to be real. Dragons to ride? Magic in general? Difficult to pull off to be sure, but as a jeweler it is in my power to yield a certain kind “magic” and pull out something of the written words and into reality. In this case a very special key… Okay, we are getting personal now because this is about one of my besties: Anne Spanget-Larsen. We have known each other since the early 90’s when we met at university and discovered our mutual love for fantasy. For many years Anne…6. April 2022
Ante Bellum – Gold gab ich für Eisen
If your loved ones must risk their lives and limbs to fight in a war, you sacrifice what you can, in the hope that they will return home unscathed. It is this love that forms the basis of my work for the exhibition "Macabre Masterpieces" at Soderborg Castle. When I was given the task of creating a piece of jewelry based on the German war concept "Gold gab ich für Eisen", it was obvious to dive into the history of my own family. I grew up as part of the German minority in Southern Jutland, where my father's family…24. June 2021
How were the finalists in Georg Jensen's recent design competition actualy selected?
In the autumn of 2020, The Danish jewelry company Georg Jensen announced a design competition in which the whole country was invited to design a piece of jewelry which would celebrate Her Majesty Queen Margrethe's 50th government anniversary - and at the same time be in line with Georg Jensen's design heritage, because the winning design was to be produced and sold by the old jewelry company. Of course I participated! Here is Georg Jensen's own description of what they wanted:Your design proposal must be able to function both as a pendant and a brooch. In addition, it must…10. June 2021
World Art Nouveau Day – in contemporary jewelry
Art Nouveau is loved by many. The soft and fluid shapes of especially French Art Nouveau seems to appeal to us humans, probably because the look reminds us of nature – our original home and habitat. Jewelry created in this style thus tends to work more WITH the body than against it: No sharp edges or angular, architectonic lines in stark contrast to our soft flesh. Art Nouveau, also (but not only) known as Jugendstil or Stile Liberty, was a wildly popular design style from approximately 1890 to 1900 – the end of the “Victorian Age”. The style was originally…8. March 2021
When geeks fall in love
Dedicating yourself to another person is a big deal – for everyone. For Sarah and Michael, two geeky and free souls, it wasn’t a given. And then again… they WERE a perfect match, and when Sarah realized, that she had found the perfect match in the nerdy film operator and master of role play, she asked me to create an engagement ring for him. Proposing is always neve wrecking and to do so as a woman to the man, many would consider especially unusual and brave. However, this is very much in keeping with the young artist’s personality. Because who…5. January 2021
Corona-closed - But the workshop is open!
We have been asked to close our store front in order to stop the spreading of the corona virus and of cause we comply. However, since our workshop is as small as it is with only 3 of us working together, we have chosen to keep the workshop running. This means that ordered Jewellery is still created, the webshop is open for business and design meetings are still held – albeit with a certain distance: Online, by phone: +45 32 200 444 or mail: design@castens.com When your Jewellery is finished, you can pick it up (thoroughly cleansed of cause) by…27. November 2020
Recycling old gold – are you guaranteed your new jewelry is made of YOUR gold?
The price of gold has risen 30% since January, which has inspired many to save money by having new jewelry made from old gold – especially wedding rings. The cost of such a process varies wildly and there is a good reason for this: The 2 different ways of working with the gold. One of the ways rises the question: Can you be sure that YOUR gold has been used for your new piece of jewelry? In this article I will show you how your gold can be turned into new jewelry, enabling you to make an informed choice: Is…6. October 2020
How to choose the perfect engagement ring
You have found the love of your life and want to propose to her, but how do you choose the right ring? If the ring misses the mark, the whole situation will deflate and perhaps she might even say no! Luckily there is a recipe on how to choose the perfect ring which will bring tears to hear eyes and that all-important YES from her lips. “Congratulations!” is typically my first response to the sweet men, who come to my shop, shyly enquiring for a ring, because they need to ask their girlfriend something important. This IS an important question…15. July 2020
Vielsesringe med uendelighedstegn
Vielsesringe med et uendelighedstegn er en klassiker. Hos Castens har vi specialiseret os i at gøre det på en lidt andeledes måde Når vi vælger hinanden som livspartnere, er det i forventningen om netop det: at det kommer til at vare livet ud, eller "uendeligt" - altså at det ikke ender før vi gør, i al fald. I den forbindelse er det faktisk underordnet om det så lykkedes, for når vi står der i kirken, på rådhuset eller under blodbøgen, FØLES det som det helt rigtige – og det er den følelse, som skal være med til at bære…Blog Categories
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Aquilegia long earrings
18k gold & amethyst
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Slither Snake Wedding Rings
Silver, 14k gold, 18k gold & 14k white gold
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18k yellow gold with green peridots
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